Currituck County Health Department WIC
2795 Caratoke Hwy.
Currituck, NC - 27929
(252) 232-2271
County: Currituck County
** Please call to verify all WIC Hours posted on the website as hours change frequently.
Office Information:
WIC is a Special Nutrition Program for Women who are pregnant, had a baby in the past 6 months or breastfeeding a baby until the baby is 12 months old; infants and children until their 5th birthday.
WIC operating hours may fluctuate; kindly contact this establishment directly for their current hours of operation.
Women, infants, and children with special nutritional needs
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding Women up to 6 months
Postpartum Infants from birth to one year of age
Children up to their fifth birthday
Live in North Carolina
Household with and income at or below WIC 185% of poverty guidelines
Be at nutritional risk
What to bring to your WIC appointment:
Applicants must bring proof of income, residence, and identification to their WIC appointment.
WIC provides healthy foods, nutrition information, breastfeeding education and support and referrals to other health care resources. They have a breastfeeding peer counselor to help during pregnancy and as long as you are breastfeeding.
You might be working, a student, single or married and still qualify for WIC.
The Official WIC program is available to low to moderate income pregnant women, recently delivered women, breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk. Fathers can also bring their children to apply for WIC. You may apply for WIC if you are working or unemployed. Check the Income Guidelines Table to see if you are eligible for WIC. This website was created for women looking for WIC information and locations. We are also working towards adding other locations and services that may help out women.
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WIC Store Locations
Find WIC Store Locations to purchase WIC approved foods with your WIC or EBT Card, in and around Currituck, NC.Find WIC Grocery Stores Nearby
Can I come there For std testing?